(NDA) Fiore Eco Homes

NDA Re-Creation
Digital Design

UX, and Website visualization for a (subsidiary of a parent company) homes developer; emphasizing eco-friendly materials.

This is an NDA Re-Creation showcase. All recognisable visual elements, including mission, vision statements, content / copywriting, names and/or recogniseable stylisation ~ have all been altered and wherever applicable thoroughly redesigned to respect anonymity of third party disclosures. * Due to anticipated level of detail any deliberate full-remake of Style Guide/s for this very purpose of ND-alteration for public viewership, is entirely forbidden. This showcase has also been extended, as added incentive to the showcase ~ a stationery component.

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2008,2023 AW™ / Andrewwiguna.com / nutritional-humility.me Originally CSS-customised in Squarespace® 7.0 ("York" Theme). Manually Front-end re-developed with YCode, 2023. Strictly only sample selection of works are displayed. (NDA Re-Creation) refers to identity alterations and thereby full end-to-end branding identity reworks to respect non disclosure anonymity. All showcases including development of this website have not been relied upon, nor assisted through "generative art", "artificial intelligence", or "Chat GPT".