Atomic Principle Design System

Digital Design

A learning initiative.

Atomic Principle Design System in Figma. For Web / Digital Design industry prospectives outreach. Approximately two years+ of entirely self taught and learning process. Fully prototyped with options, toggles and variants for both Web and App specific environments.

An ongoing industry major proficiency and skillset demonstration amidst Product Design / Advocate / UX and UI Industries; 2022 onwards.

Due to sheer depth and collateral dependencies amongst web design, visualizations and terminology(s) Atomic Principle Design System as a work showcase here may not be adequately presented in a succinct delivery.

"Atomic Principle", and "Design System" are emerging industry workflows currently under mass global adoption within UX, UI, Digital Design and Product Design industries; in courtesy of Brad Frost ~ from Brad Frost Design.

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2008,2023 AW™ / / Originally CSS-customised in Squarespace® 7.0 ("York" Theme). Manually Front-end re-developed with YCode, 2023. Strictly only sample selection of works are displayed. (NDA Re-Creation) refers to identity alterations and thereby full end-to-end branding identity reworks to respect non disclosure anonymity. All showcases including development of this website have not been relied upon, nor assisted through "generative art", "artificial intelligence", or "Chat GPT".